3 things I achieved in 2018

Tugging on to the last of 2018 to write this as Wilford is laying peacefully in bed sleeping. It's December 31st 2018 at 8:45pm. This is a year to remember.

1. Sold 53 units
2. Bought my first home
3. Got married to the love of my life

3 big milestones happened progressively this year.

Firstly, the amount of time and effort, and personal life sacrificed for work: 53 condomiuniums off the shelves

Yes, I sold a total of 53 condominium units this year, that is basically selling one unit every week.
It sounds like a lot, I know.
The fact is that

The year flew by in a whirl as I fly in and out of SG for work and holidays, my schedule was practically crazy at the beginning. I didn't have much time for my friends and quality of my personal life was affected big time. There were so many times that I find myself crying or times when I broke down in public during holidays because I was overly committed to work, and also a couple of times I quarrel with Wilford because I was doing work when we were supposed to be spending time together.

Ok, that said, in November this year, I encountered the most disappointing treatment by my company, which left me feeling like all that I have done for my company and work is coming to naught. That also taught me to always get everything down in black and white, and don't sell your soul to money, always have a balance in every aspect of your life. Things have sorted themselves out with a positive outcome, thankfully, but that feeling of disappointment is something I can never forget.

Hope 2019 bring me more clarity in my direction for my career, and more work-life balance.

JAN - Started the new year in Kuala Lumpur
FEB - Went to Shanghai for work, then CNY, Valentine's Day, Wilford's Birthday, our ROM
MAR - Went to Bangkok, Beijing and Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur for work. Craziest long trip 21days
APR - My birthday, Did porcelain veneers my dream, Went to Beijing for work
MAY - Went to Bali for holiday
JUNE - Went to Bangkok for work, then Beijing and Shanghai for work
JULY - Bought our new home. Went to Bangkok for work TWICE
AUG - Went to stay in Bangkok for 3 weeks for work
SEP - Still in Bangkok, flew to Shanghai for work
OCT - Our 2nd anniversary, went to HK for holidays
NOV - Holiday in Suzhou and Shanghai, went to Bangkok for work
DEC is the only month I did not travel out of SG and finally slow my pace down

Second and third, I bought my first home 
and married the love of my life

Yes, fast

I am very thankful and glad to have Wilford to be my life partner. He is always my pillar of strength through it all. Handling all my emotions, taking up all the responsibilities of a new home and of being a sweet and thoughtful husband, and never thinking of responsibilities to be a burden.

Having lived together for a year now, and having seen each other's best and worst sides, I find that I only love him more and more. And cheesy to say, but I can never imagine to live a life without him anymore. All our times spent together are so very precious to me, all the routines, and silly things we say and do to each other, and all the laughter. Thank you for giving me so much more than I can ever imagine. I can't wait for us to move into our new home in 2019.