The other side of Las Vegas 2012
Shadows of 4 girls at Las Vegas, Hoover Dam
One can never stop taking pictures of plane windows.
Hoover Dam
Yeah, the day I witnessed Justin Bieber crazy moments at Billboard Music Awards 2012.
The plane window thing again. This time it’s snowflakes!
In & Out Burger WHOOPS
Taylor Swift
Mount Charleston at Vegas
At Las Vegas, XS. The most crazy Aoki’s night.
First time on Philippines Airlines
Landscape of desert
Mount Charleston
First drive out. Drove on the wrong side of traffic.
Limousine Drivers taking us up to Mount Charleston.
Insides of a limousine
It was a really good time.
That day, I drove out on the streets of Las Vegas, almost banged into a car, but got back in one piece under the guidance of my best friend.
All dead beat from driving long distances.
Las Vegas didn’t enchant me as much as the other states did.
In fact, I thought Las Vegas was boring.
I wasn’t interested in gambling, nor drinking, or sleeping with random men.
But I definitely did enjoy the Billboard Music Awards so much I felt like jumping out of my chair.
I was also mind-blown by the euphoric feeling Steve Aoki created.