My best friend is a very special person in my life. People say if you have one true best friend, you can get through anything in life. I think it's true. I am writing this and I am writing more soon because what if I suddenly die and people don't know what I think about them. A best friend is not only someone you have a good time with. She's the first person I tell when the most amazing things happen in my life, or the opposite. My best friend is a someone who will always come to my mind no matter what comes about or where I am in life. No matter how successful and rich, or how dejected and pathetic. She is family, giving me the opinion I care most about. A best friend is someone who don't judge you and is on your side even when you are dying from guilt of having done something bad or morally wrong. A best friend is the person you can be around always and never get sick of. Taking a long bus ride is fun, getting stranded in Vegas is fun, walking in the supermarket is fun, cooking till the soup overflows and having to clean up is also fun.I learn that I never have to be jealous or envious of anything, I can only be grateful. We will grow and strive like two fast parallel lines, sometimes one ahead of another, and sometimes at the same pace, we would discover ourselves and each other as we go. Even sometimes when we drift apart, when the time comes for congratulation on an accomplishment, or to console on a loss, she is the number one person I will turn to always, because she is my person, we share a connection, she knows me, and my story.
HPBD Sylvia!